Friday, September 22, 2006

Chronicles of a Call Center pt.3 ( AHT)

AHT (Average handle time) - the time it takes to take care of a customer (how long your on the phone with them, in layman's terms.)

Here's a comic I though would be perfect for this topic. I've got an agent that I was working with on his AHT. Everything else was great with his call. He never forgot or missed anything QA wise. His talk time was about 2 minutes as opposed to 4.5 - 5.5 min. I had to say something when I monitored his call one day and heard bluh duh duh blah blah, which sounded more like a foreign language. Don't ask how his customer undterstood. His AHT is now, 3.5 min. After much work with him, I've learned that this is acceptable. He just talks that way. You should hear him when he does his different accents. Although it's not the tru him, the customers never know so of you won't tell, I won't.

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