Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Customers are dumb

Why do customers think yelling profanities into a phone will get them what they want? As a supervisor, I get to ones that are already livened up a bit. Lets see if I can remember the verbiage of one lively one....oh yeah! "Go F*** your self your Mother F***er!"

Is the customer always right? My anwer is "NO." How could one, JUST ONE, person expect to be the exception of over millions customers just becuase their phone is used for business. Yet they have an individual account to boot. So, what kind of business are you running? A pharmacy, maybe an automotive used parts store, or better yet, maybe you have a roster exhibition of strength arena in your back yard. Whatever the case, if it's a business phone, get a business account and stop trying to deduct your entire cell bill as business cause we all know you use it for personal reasons too.

Don't get me started on them knowing our plans better than us. Or that's not what she said.....WHO THE F*** IS "SHE." I've had one caller tell me "...Well Michelle said this" and later said in her company if they had a name and a time that the request would be honored. May I add, our company has millions of customers which means we need thousands of reps. My center alone has 4 Michelles. There were also NO interactions for the time she said she spoke to "Michelle," and the interactions before and after her claim were male.

Those are just 2 examples of the many customers I deal with a day. Feel free to post a comment about yours.

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