Sunday, October 22, 2006

"I'm Sick, I can't make it into work today.

Let me reminince a little. Back about a year ago, I had an agent call in sick with the flu. I've flu once in my life and it's no joking matter. With my imune system, it knocked me out for 15 hrs, (that's how long I was asleep, and yes, I have a strong system). I listen to the message left on my machine, and it sounds more like larygitis. Being the nice / compasionate supervisor I am, I ask no questions and tell them, get better. I didn't realize it was Friday and that would give them 3 days off. I go out later that night with my wife to a night club and guess who I see shaking her little booty all over the stage. Heck, she even got up on the speakers and dance around the mirror pole.

Yeah the picture doesn't exactly go with the storry, but I've seen some creative agents before. I've go one person on my team right now that would use a line like this. ** DOINK**

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