Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Customer Interaction

Call to a Broadband Tech Support Rep:

Tech: Thank you for calling Internet Services, how may I help you.

Caller: I'm having trouble with people hijacking my computer and turning my volume down...oh wait...They're eating my food, I can smell it, they must be under my house

Tech: Ma'am do you need to call the police

Caller: Naw, I don't think so, but how can I prevent them from getting into my computer

Tech: You actually have a couple options, one would be to configure some settings in your firewall and another would be to password protect your pc.

Caller: Ok, but won't fire be dangerouse near the computer?

.....The call went on and on after this. The sad part is, this customer called in to the center again the very next day with the same type of issues.

Makes you wonder what some people are really doing at 3:00 in the morning.

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